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Define a custom environment in ASP.NET Core

One of the cool features of ASP.NET Core is, Hosting Environment Management. It makes life easy for the developers, while dealing with multiple environments. Previously, the developers have to build the application differently for each environment (Staging, UAT, Production) due to dependency on config file sections and the preprocessor directive applicable at compile time. It’s a time-consuming and painful process. ASP.NET Core takes a different approach and offers a new way to save developers from all this hassle. Read More

Create an Angular 5 app in 5 steps using dotnet cli

Earlier I posted about creating an Angular 4 app with Visual Studio 2017 and then also talked about upgrading the same Angular 4 app to Angular 5 with Visual Studio 2017. Recently, ASP.NET team released release candidate version of Single-Page Application templates. These templates allow developers to create SPA application based on Angular, React, and React with Redux. At the time of writing this post, the final version is scheduled to release in Early 2018. This post shows how to create an Angular 5 app in 5 steps using dotnet cli. Read More

Tools for bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core

Tools for bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core

Bundling and minification improves the speed and rendering performance of any web application. Bundling combines multiple JavaScript or CSS files into a single file where Minification reduces the size of the JavaScript or CSS file by removing white space and commented code without altering functionality. This not only reduces the number of requests to the server, also reduces the size of data transfer from the server to the browser. Both the techniques when used together can help in improving the performance of your web app. Bundling and minification can be done at design time and also at runtime. This post talks about 6 tools for bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core. Read More

Upgrade Angular 4 app to Angular 5 with Visual Studio 2017

Last month, Angular 5 was released with some code breaking changes. You can refer to this post for the list of changes. I was playing with Angular 5 and as part of this learning process; I thought of upgrading one of my previously created Angular 4 app to Angular 5. You can read my post about creating an Angular 4 application with Visual Studio 2017. This post talks about how to upgrade Angular 4 app to Angular 5 with Visual Studio 2017. The steps given in this post are applicable for Angular 4 apps created using Visual Studio 2017, but some of these steps will also apply to Angular 4 apps created using other ways. Read More

How to Implement single authorization policy in ASP.NET Core 2.0

Along with role-based and claim based authorization, ASP.NET Core also supports the policy-based authorization. A policy is nothing but a collection of requirements with different data parameters to evaluate the user Identity. Read more about the policy-based authorization here. This short post shows how to implement single authorization policy in ASP.NET Core 2.0 application. Once implemented, the policy becomes global and applicable to the whole application. Read More

MSSQL-cli – A new way to interact with SQL Server

Microsoft recently released a new tool to interact with SQL Server called MSSQL-cli. It’s an interactive command line interface to query SQL server database. Since the release of .NET Core, Microsoft is continuously releasing different cross-platform tools to reach out more developers. At the time of writing this post, the release is in public preview stage. This post talks about installing this tool and then show how to use this tool to query your SQL Server database. Read More

Add Swagger to ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API

Testing WEB APIs is a challenge, and it has a dependency on various third-party tools for proper and efficient testing. But swagger can make it easy. Swagger is an UI representation of your RESTful API. Swagger UI allows anyone — be it your development team or your end consumers — to visualize and interact with the API’s resources having none of the implementation logic in place. It’s automatically generated from your Swagger specification, with the visual documentation, making it easy for back-end implementation and client-side consumption. Earlier, I posted about adding swagger with ASP.NET Core but it no longer works with ASP.NET Core 2.0 due to new changes with ASP.NET Core 2.0. In this post, we’ll see how to add Swagger to ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API. Read More