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Batching of Statement in Entity Framework Core

What is Batching of Statement in Entity Framework Core?

There are many new features introduced in Entity Framework Core (EF Core). And one of the most awaited feature is, batching of statement. So what exactly batching of statement is? Batching of statement means that it doesn’t send individual command for every insert/update/delete statement. It will batch multiple statements in a single round trip to the database. So In this post, let’s see how it works and then compare the results with EF6.
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Shadow Properties with Entity Framework Core

How to use Shadow Properties with Entity Framework Core

As mentioned in my earlier post Quick summary of what’s new in Entity Framework Core 1.0, “Shadow Properties” is one of the new feature of Entity Framework Core. Shadow Properties are fields which are not part of your entity class so they don’t exist in your class but they do exist in entity model. In this post, let’s find out how to use shadow properties in Entity Framework Core. Read More

Use HiLo to generate keys with Entity Framework Core

Use HiLo to generate keys with Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core supports different key generation strategies like identity, Sequence and HiLo. In my previous post, I talked about using SQL Server Sequence with EF Core to Create Primary Key. Database sequences are cached, scalable and address concurrency issues. But there would be a database round-trip for every new the sequence value. And in case of high number of inserts this becomes a little heavy. But you can optimize the sequence with HiLo pattern. And EF Core supports “HiLo” out of the box. So in this post, we will see how to use HiLo to generate keys with Entity Framework Core. Read More

Use SQL Server Sequence in Entity Framework Core to Create Primary Key

Use SQL Server Sequence in Entity Framework Core to Create Primary Key

Entity Framework doesn’t support Sequence out of the box. However, there are ways to use it. But the good news is, Entity Framework Core supports Sequence out of the box. I also mentioned in my earlier post Quick summary of what’s new in Entity Framework Core 1.0. So in this post, let’s find out how to use SQL Server Sequence in Entity Framework Core to create primary key.
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How to execute Stored Procedure in Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework 6.x supports stored procedure mapping for CRUD operations. However, this is no longer available in Entity Framework Core. But there are still workaround exists in EF Core to execute stored procedures to get the data and for CRUD operations. In this post, we will see how to execute Stored Procedure in Entity Framework Core using the FromSql method to get the data and ExecuteSqlCommand method for CRUD operations. Read More

What's new in Entity Framework Core 1.0

Quick summary of what’s new in Entity Framework Core 1.0

Entity Framework Core 1.0 has been already out and Microsoft has already started working on Entity Framework Core 1.1. One of the advantage of ASP.NET Core is cross-platform support similarly Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is also cross-platform version of Entity Framework. So here is a quick and short summary of what’s new in Entity Framework Core compared to its previous versions. Read More