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7 Simple Hacks to Supercharge Your Angular 7 App

Angular is an excellent platform that allows developers to build applications with the web. This platform has integrated various best practices like dependency injection, declarative templates, and so on for overcoming development challenges. The newly released Angular 7 has some significant upgrades with it. For more information, follow this link. Consider Angular Training to keep your skills updated. With Angular 7, you can create better applications that can benefit businesses. This post tells you 7 Simple Hacks to Supercharge Your Angular 7 App for better performance and speed. Read More

How to Bind Click event in Angular 2

How to bind Click event in Angular 2

In this short post, find out how to bind click event in Angular 2. ngClick is used in Angular 1.x to bind the click event but things changed in Angular 2. One of the major change in Angular 2 is, that it directly uses the valid HTML DOM element properties and events. So take the HTML event and wrap it with parentheses. So with Angular 2, use (click) to attach a click event in Angular 2. Read difference between Angular 1.x and Angular 2 to know more about other differences. Read More

Angular CLI is here for Angular 2

Setting up Angular 2 in your application is quite time-consuming compare to AngularJS 1. For setting up Angular 1.x, all you need to do is to just add the reference of library but with Angular 2, it requires some more work due to dependency on Grunt or Gulp for build process, TypeScript and it’s compiler. And setting this with Visual Studio 2015 is even more time-consuming. Angular Team is aware of this and they came up with a solution and introduced a new command line tool (cli) for Angular 2. Yes, Angular CLI is here for Angular 2 applications.
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Cascading DropDown List with ASP.NET Core WEB API and Angular 2

Earlier I posted about Cascading DropDown List using Angular 2 and in this post, we take it to next level and implement it with ASP.NET Core Web API and Angular 2. But starting/configuring AngularJS 2 with ASP.NET Core is not straightforward and it requires some manual configurations to be done. If you are not sure how to do it, I recommend you to read this helpful post to find out post how to start with Angular 2 in ASP.NET Core with TypeScript using Visual Studio 2015.

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